Charting new territory we found Spring Platt Garden - open on this occasion for The National Gardens Scheme - through country lanes from the wrong end of the pretty village of Sutton Valance. We were fortunate with parking, as that is limited. The day before I understand, some people had to park in Sutton Valance and walk (real dedication). The view as we drove into the grassy car parking area is breathtaking. The day was kind, high cloud, sun, no rain but a bitter wind. Wrapped up properly it didn't prove a problem but I suspect that the large gathering in the Millen's front room were not only drawn in because of the spectacular view and tasty food.

One long shady border, planted with dark plum-coloured hellebore, showed a rash of seedlings on the twiggy covered ground. This border also held, crocus, anenome, aconites and snowdrops.
Other borders were planted, along with crocus and snowdrop, with evidence of summer glory. Bright red peony buds pushed through beneath the silver birch trees.
One mixed border was shining in all its glory, a mass of aconites, with little groups of Iris reticulata, in blue and dark-purple shades and snowdrops bobbing in the less windy shelter of the front of the property. Crocus too flowered here, tightly closed in despair of the wind! Many to my delight had escaped into the lawn. Greenhouses held the Millen's collection of alpine plants and a large vegetable garden was still in production. Sadly the sales table was depleted by the time we arrived, though there was still much to offer.
A large sweep of rockery must be a joy in the summer.
In many ways I have left the best till last, snowdrops abound. A gallery of 100 of the 250 + that Carolyn and her daughter have collected since they first became hooked in 2013 is shown on their website These are displayed to their advantage in raised beds on either side of the property; all are well named. Sadly I took no notes, hoping that my pictures would show the name for me. A problem with my camera meant that this was not to be. It would only download a few of the images I took. I was surprised that the ones I could download were not more blurred. I have added a few to this post. If anyone knows the names then please advise me.
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