Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ever Changing Weather

I have had this lady for thirty-five years at least. I love her more now as she ages with grey lichen blotching her arms and hair. I've never had her elegance and grace but I've always envied hers.

Wherever I go she will go with me...

We thought we had finished with the snow...the day before we sat on the portico with warm sunshine on our backs. We had left unseasonal blizzards in the UK but came back to snow of our own.


  1. I love your lady Penelope. We had a huge Buddha in my previous garden too large for four people to shift without a cart. Over the years he lost his nose and went from pure white to a sort of dirty white and he sat surrounded by flowers and Asiatic Lily's. We had to say goodbye when we moved after 30 years and I still miss him and wonder who he is taking care of now. So I can understand how your lady means to much and has to go with you.

    1. Your Buddha sounds lovely and I'm sure he is as important to his new family as he was to you. I bought OH an Easter Island man, he needed a special crate made for him when we brought him here, we still have it to take him wherever we may go.

  2. What a pretty picture and statue! No more snow though, please!!

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog and for leaving a comment...I hope you'll visit again. I am glad that you enjoyed the pictures.

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Patsy, We walked today in sun so warm I only need a gilet not the several layers I was wearing on Monday when we had 4inches of snow. Lovely.
